Pregnancy can be such a magical time, but it can be a time of worry as well. Do you have questions about the physical symptoms you are feeling? Are you confused about the roles of a doula, midwife, or obstetrician? Worried about preparing for childbirth or writing your birth plan? Maybe you are the first of your friends to become pregnant and you'd like to meet other soon-to-be moms? Are you interested in learning more about resources for pregnant women and new moms?
Our pregnancy groups are a great place to discuss these topics and more while getting support from other women experiencing the same highs and lows of pregnancy. It's a great way to start your "mommy network" and share this beautiful time with others.
Are you pregnant with your second child and looking to talk with other women who are pregnant again? Our second time around group provides moms with a unique opportunity to connect with other pregnant moms without the distractions of other children. Take some time to focus on THIS pregnancy and discuss your excitement, your worries, and how you can best prepare your family for this new addition. It's a wonderful chance to reflect on what you hope will be the same, what you'd like to change, and what you realize is beyond your control. Throughout this process you will make new friends who will have babies around the same time as you! It's a great way to expand your community of mommy friends!